Damask (Age of Apocalypse)

One of Apocalypse’s Pale Riders, Damask was assigned the duty of following Kurt Darkholme and his mother to Avalon…the haven from his tyranny hidden deep in the Antarctic…to ascertain its exact location. On first getting a good look at the blue-furred mutant her interest in him was less than honourable…

But on her arrival in Avalon, when she saw its beauty, she had a change of heart. She told the X-Man about her mission, how she’d been sent to find Avalon’s location so that Apocalypse could bring about its destruction…though she wasn’t sure just how he planned to do so. Her change in allegiance didn’t alter her attraction to the exotic looking X-Man, however…

They soon discover Apocalypse’s agent of destruction was the infamous Shadow King as he begins taking over the minds of several of Avalon’s residents, finally settling in Mystique. Using her flesh-shaping abilities, he transformed into Sabretooth to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting, peace loving inhabitants. Nightcrawler quickly devises a plan to incapacitate the bodiless mutant. By combining his teleportation with Damask’s ability to psionically skin the minds of others and Switchback’s gift to travel ten seconds back her own timeline, he hopes that by having Switchback slow down his teleport Damask will have the time she needs to tear at the evil mutant’s mind.

Torn from Mystique’s mind, the Shadow King manages to leap into another mind in attempt to complete his true mission, to annihilate Destiny. Her adopted son, Doug Ramsey, takes the blast for her, enraging her enough to join the fight against Apocalypse.

When Apocalypse was defeated, the timeline was completely undone, so whatever may have happened between Nightcrawler and Damask never came to pass, as Damask doesn’t seem to exist in the true universe…

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